What Does A Standard Uterus Look Like?
Most women do not know they have an abnormal uterus until pregnancy. The standard uterus is shaped like a pear. It’s comprised of two parts: a fundus and a cervix. The fundus houses the baby after the egg gets fertilized and starts growing. The uterus sits at the top of the uterus. The cervix, located in the lower half, connects to the vaginal canal. The uterus also has two fallopian tubes connected to each side of the fundus.
What is an abnormal uterus?
Uterine abnormalities are either positional or structural. A uterus that is positioned abnormally is tilted and angles away from the bladder instead of resting over the bladder. Women with abnormally positioned uteruses can still conceive normally. The second abnormality affects the uterus’ structure and includes many different types of shapes.
Bicornuate uterus
A bicornuate uterus has a depression at the top that makes it look heart-shaped. Women with a bicornuate uterus are at greater risk for miscarriages.
Septate uterus
A muscular wall develops in the center of a septate uterus either partially or fully separating the uterus. Women with a septate uterus can have trouble conceiving or carrying full-term.
Uterus Didelphys
A uterus didelphys is a split uterus with two separate vaginal cavities. Both cavities lead to its own uterus which can look or feel like two separate vaginas. However, women with this condition can conceive normally.
Unicornuate uterus
The unicornuate uterus is smaller than the average uterus and has only one fallopian tube with two ovaries. Conception is possible with this condition though women must be mindful due to
Arcuate uterus
With an arcuate abnormality, the uterus indents at the top yet the indentation is not as deep as a bicornuate uterus. Women should have no problem conceiving with this type of uterus.
What can be done about an abnormal uterus?
Doctors usually won’t know if a uterus is abnormal until testing is performed for fertility issues. Some of these abnormalities are treatable through surgery but the doctor would need to inspect the organ to know if that’s an option. The best thing to do is to consult a physician to schedule an ultrasound and discuss any uterine issues that could affect fertility.